Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Agora claim such a high success rate?

In the US, several clinics using the Amino Acid intravenous therapy have been doing this for over 10 years, and have treated over 10,000 patients with an average success rate of 70%, after five years of being drug or alcohol free. We have added even more therapies to ensure this success.

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Why is this an outpatient program?

Agora's program is geared towards functional adults and youth who lead busy lives and do not wish to be away from work or school for a month or two in traditional rehab centres. This is an intense program which works well in the 10-15 days and it is the ideal timeframe in which to repair and regenerate the neuroreceptors of the brain.

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Is there any follow up?

Yes, we ask you to sign on locally for coaching, counselling, or psychotherapy for 10-12 sessions, again in an outpatient program. This is to enable you to make different life choices, now that you are free from addictions and are thinking more clearly than you have for years, perhaps for the first time ever.

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Will the Effect Last?

A person who has become addicted will always have greater susceptibility to future addiction than the average person. Therefore, after normal balance is restored to your brain, it is absolutely necessary for you to avoid the addicting substance(s) in the future. In fact, the safe course for you after treatment is to avoid all substances with potential for addiction - tobacco, alcohol, and addictive illegal or prescription drugs - as well as to avoid extremes in all aspects of life. The use of addictive substances again opens the door for you to return to the same addicted state as before.

With the cravings diminished and by staying away from any potentially addictive substances, you will enjoy freedom from cravings and a clarity of mind that is permanent.

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Do Patients Experience Withdrawal?

Withdrawal occurs because the brain becomes accustomed to the artificial neurotransmitter support provided by drugs. When stopped, there is a large deficit in expected neurotransmitter receptor stimulation, and the body cannot repair the problem fast enough on its own. The patient experiences this deficit as withdrawal.

As soon as NRR starts, the amino acids are incorporated into the nerve junctions (called synapses) and neurotransmission steadily normalises with the passing of each hour. This action minimises withdrawal symptoms to a level far below what one would experience with mere discontinuation of the drug. The withdrawal symptoms you may have are generally mild and are usually resolved by the third or fourth day of treatment.

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